Strategies for Your Divorce ToolBox: Mindful Movement

Strategies for Your Divorce ToolBox: Mindful Movement by Jeff Zimmerman

The stress of divorce is felt through our emotions–and experienced in our bodies. It’s natural to feel tight and tense in response to common feelings of divorce, including fear, anger, and sadness.

The experience of these emotions can be so powerful and overwhelming that many detach from their bodies. In other words, people separate from these somatic experiences as a defense, especially as a marriage unravels and physical intimacy becomes emotionally painful.

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Graduation Season: Are You and Your Former Spouse Ready?

Graduation Season: Are You and Your Former Spouse Ready? by Lauren BehrmanCollege graduation season is upon us. There is less hands-on parenting with college-age children, and many have matured into young adults. Yet, regardless of a child’s maturity, it is important that parents do not neglect their responsibility to proactively ensure a special experience — one that is untarnished by awkwardness and conflict. Read More

Post-Divorce Parenting Communication: What you say, and how you say it, really matters to your children

Post-Divorce Parenting Communication: What you say, and how you say it, really matters to your children by Lauren BehrmanEven though you may be divorcing, you are always going to be a family for your children.

If all goes according to plan, your future could include grandparenthood together. In the routine course of your children’s lives, there will be special moments (and probably some scary moments) that you’ll share with your parenting partner, including but not limited to: bar mitzvahs, confirmations or first communions, little league games, graduations, and perhaps the occasional wisdom tooth extraction or ER visit. Read More